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LOMBARDIA.IT - Updated: 14 April 2006 - 17:52



Not enough is known about Varese before the imperial period, when the city started to be important because it was along transit way. A lot of trails of defensive garrisons after XI century probably mean that the city was a point of control for pianura Padana. In 1068 Varese was cited as site of market. During the war among Milan and Como the city was sacked by comaschi. But they didn’t destroy defensive garrisons. In the XII century Varese became more important thanks to its mercantile activity. In 1237 Varese fought with Milan against Federico Barbarossa. Varese kept autonomy until the end of ‘700. In 1752 the city was the seat of the congress to decide the borders of Swizerland. In 1766 the autonomy was finally lost and in 1816 the city became a part of Ausburgic emperor. Until the first world war a lot of industries spread in the city. Fascism caused the rebellion of the lower classes and a lot of democratics were arrested. In 1927 Mussolini obtained the constitution of a new province of Varese.

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