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LOMBARDIA.IT - Updated: 14 April 2006 - 17:52



The legend wants that Mantova had been founded from a Greek fortune teller, Mantle, escaped from Tebe in the Beozia, in order not to submit to the oblique Creonte tyrant. Probably the first village rose in the 2000 a.C. in the lake that the Mincio in that zone formed. The true and own city development with the Etruscans during VI sec a.C., taking its name from the Etruscan divinity Mantus later on confused from the Roman with Mantle, the Greek fortune teller. During the roman empire it never did not become a healthy centre and important even if gave to the NATO them to one of the more important poets of the classic literature, Virgilio. After its fall, Mantova endured invasions from part of the Barbarians and passed under various dominations between which that gothic, bizantina , longobarda until when around to the end of the X sec d.C. it passed to the Canossa until to 1150, year in which Moors the last heir of the family, Matilde. From here common Mantova became an independent one trying to maintain own independence from the empire. During the crashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines, Mantova, by now weakened, passed to the Bonacolsi and of it was straight for a short period between 1273 and il1328. In this year, after the killing of the last Bonacolsi, due to one turned local, the Gonzaga became dukes of Mantova. Along all the course of umanism and then for the all the Renaissance city became a most important cultural centre arriving before with Ludovico II, that it made to arrive in city artists of highest level which Donatello, Leon Battista Alberti and Andrea Mantenga, and then with Isabella d' Este, wife of Francisco II Gonzaga, to its maximum cultural splendor, economic and political, thanks also to its territorial expansion, with the annexation of the Monferrato. From this period in then the lordship I begin its sunset with the breach of the descent line and I besiege of the city in the 1630 from part of the empire, than door it ruins and destruction above all but the plague. In the 1708 Mantova it entered to at least make part of the Austrian empire and in part the resumed city its ancient splendor. The first domination Austrian lasted until the advent of the troops of Napoleone, that I conquer the city and depredated it of important burlaps valuables. After its dead women and the return of the Austrian empire, Mantova became of the points cardinals of the famous defensive quadrilateral. In the Italian state within making single part in 1866. Today Mantova, administrative centre of province, is given over mainly to agriculture, even if conserve the fascination of the city of Virgilio and the Gonzaga.

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