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LOMBARDIA.IT - Updated: 14 April 2006 - 17:52




the Ducale Palace of Mantova is one of more goes to you and articulates complex architectonic Italians to you. Residence of the Gonzaga family, than dwelling continuously to its from 1328 to 1707, the Palace develops through continuous aggregations and stratifications, beginning from a first nucleus constructed from the Bonacolsi to the end of the 1200's. In 1328, when Luigi Gonzaga conquest the power defeating the family avails again, some buildings exist in fact that will make part of the Old Court of the palace of the Gonzaga: between of they emerge the Magna Domus and the Palace of the Captain, both points out on Public square Brothel to you. In the 1480 Luca Fancelli it realizes the Domus Nova. Isabella d' Este, wife of marquis Francisco II, after 50 years of absence from the palace from part of the court, in the third decade of the 1500's returns to live in Old Court, where ago to furnish and to decorate a series of small rooms in which it places its little studio and its collections. Its son instead makes use of the creative genius of Roman Giuliano that in Ducale Palace, in a zone dictates new court, constructs and decorates the Apartment of Troy. Only in the second half of the 1500's, for means of an immense lead campaign building from duke Guglielmo, the various bodies of factory end constructed here in coordinated way do not come finally joined and the complex of buildings becomes really city-palace, whose parts are connected and united from galleries, carries to us, monumental public squares. Ideal centre of this immense complex is the basilica of Barbarian S, planned from Bertani architect. Under the government of Guglielmo, the Palace becomes rich of important factories: the Green Apartment in Old Court, structured in part on the medieval buildings and in part on new constructions, like the Hanging Garden and the Courtyard of the Eight faces. The participations promoted from the Vincenzo son are concentrated instead on the Domus fancelliana Nova that, deeply transformed, becomes puts into effect it them Ducale Apartment. The gold end of period of Mantova happens in 1603 when German soldiers entered like winners in city, destroying and plundering also Ducale Palace. In the 1707 Austrian government decides to use atmospheres of the gonzaga palace like representation centre. Wide zones are abandoned, as an example the New Court and the Palace of the Captain and the Magna Domus accommodate the private apartments of vice-governor. Some demolitions executed between the end of the 1800's and the first ones of the 1900's alter the aspect of the palace, while participations of restoration interest it in the course of years Twenty and Thirty. It puts into effect them aspect of the palace is fruit of this immense campaign of jobs. In the nine hundred, ulterior searches have carried to the end of years sixty, to the discovery of the fundamental cycle of fresco of the Pisanello and, to the end of years ninety, to those of the 500. It knows it of the Mirror.


In the 1395 Bertolino from Novara started in the vicinity of the bridge of Saint George the construction of the castle that became a lot soon part of the majestic Ducale Palace, the castle was built up to the inside of the city and represented an important at the same time operates defensive and an affectation of the power of the Gonzaga. To classic square base, it is fortified of four towers to the angles more some little towers that defended the three fortified doors of bridges. The wonderful porch of the 500 that encircles on two sides the courtyard of the castle was planned from Luca Fancelli, while the Mantegna in the 1465 said start to the decoration to I fresco of a room of the castle, used after representation functions, that it would later on have taken the name of Room of the Spouses. On the time they were painted emblems of the Gonzaga family, to mythological subject and paintings of emperors roman. Two of the walls were covered from feints curtains, present also in remaining, but it bears away to you, in order to show the court of the Gonzaga and the encounter between Ludovico and its son Francisco. The space was rather small and rerun Mantegna in order to widen it to optical artifices, the most famous that one of oculo in brief fort to the centre of the time, using the perspective for fine illusions: real architecture and painting concurred to form with of wide breath, able to make to rise a contemporary subject to the myth rank.


Romano Giuliano begins the jobs for the construction of the palace in 1525, conceives it like an ancient roman villa, therefore the Palace You that it takes its name from the little island on which was constructed said Tejeto, extends slowly on an only one to square plant and it is developed round to a great courtyard; the external space is constituted from a wide garden, on which the famous stables of the duck showed oneself originally. The three facades introduce architectonic reasons much several one, mainly classics, places but in not customary way, making of this palace one of the examples more it elaborates you of the manieristica architecture. Characterizing element of the facades is arches to it forms to you exclusively from crude stone nearly, of which it is made also the architrave; the prevailing reason that joins the different facades is the strongly hoof, but also the frieze. The inner system, than shows oneself on the garden, it introduces plaster smooth. one that it prevails to the outside from the frieze continuous. Romano Giuliano and its shop demonstrates, through the inner decorations, strongly uses it of a Raffaello language visual impact. Of it is an obvious test Knows it of Amore and Psiche. This knows it is uniform from a trellis work that delineates the scenes in which there is a thin eroticism, fact of veiled references. The most famous zone, made to decorate between 1532 and 1535, are the so-called one Know it of the Giants, formed from a dulled square atmosphere in the walls, so as to to form a concave ceiling. Around to the zone they centres is represents you of, between which the most important is Giove, representing the imperial power, that it defeats the giants. The painting with great probability makes reference to the Victoria of the emperor Carl V on the French.


It’s most ancient church of the city, founded between the end of the XI sec and the beginning of the XII, probably for wanting of duke Matilde of Canossa. Inspired to the church of the S. Sepolcro of Gerusalemme and dedicated to Saint Lorenzo, the round one is to plant centres. A deambulatory precedes and encircles the nave one, characterizing from eight columns and a small apse. It is constructed in cooked, second the Lombardic tradition of the period, but conserve two marble columns probably of the Vi-viii sec, coming from buildings passings. Originally completely it was frescoed, today they remain many particulars, they are read those of some little turns: for the rigid outline of the composition and the decoration of the dresses and the abstract expression of the faces, legacy to the school can be still deduced that the author is a master of the XI sec. In the apse a later fragment represents Saint Lorenzo on the datable grill around the XV sec. In the 1579 church it was sluice to the cult for wanting of Guglielmo Gonzaga and for beyond three hundred years, altered and covered from building, it was used to rooms and stores. Being fallen the cupola, the nave one came used like courtyard. In 1906 it was freed from the not pertinent architectonic parts and reopened to the cult. Currently it is subsidiary church of the parish of Saint Andrea and from this entrusted to the Dominican community from 1926.


The legend wants that the basilica is risen on the place where was finds again relic containing the blood of Christ in the 804 d.C., called the Sacred ones is gone, than still today is guarded to the inside of the basilica. Of flank to the church it came constructed nel1037 a Benedictine monastery that in the communal age assumed great importance but Pope Sisto makes YOU upon request to demolish the convent nel1472 of the Gonzaga. Of the gothic period the bell tower built up in 1413 is single survivor. As a result of the demolition of the monastery on a commission basis of ducks the church came totally reconstructed from great architect Leon Battista Alberti that but Moors before the beginning of the jobs, that they were capacities ahead from the Fancelli. In the 400 they always were decorates many spaces to you of the basilica from the Mantegna, that it will come buried in one small nail head to the inside of the church. In the 500 they were constructed the crypt and the transept, while the cupola was concluded alone in the 1765 from Juvara. Today day the basilica is introduced with a plant to Latin cross, with an only one nave on which three nails head for side are opened, and transept with vault. The majestic facade of the church enunciates on the narrow before public square: inspired to the Arc of Traiano of Ancona, it is modulated strictly on the shape of the square and of its it derives to you; the wide fornice centres them comes resumed from the arc overlapped to the fronton, that it allows the lighting system of the nave one.


The first building that Leon Battista Alberti built for gonzaga it’s the church of Saint Sebastian and it was begun in 1460. It was the private church of Mantova Lors. It is away off the centre of the city, on the way which connect Mantova to Tè zone. This church was changed during the centuries: Alberto's project was interpreted bad and during the 20 century became a commemorative building. Saint Sebastian has a cross plant; it has two floors: the first is a big crypt. At the enter there is a square room with three apses. The façade is like a classical ones.

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