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LOMBARDIA.IT - Updated: 14 April 2006 - 17:52

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Pesa Vecchia

5 January
The ceremony it would recall an episode happened in the 1676:the Spanish, that dominated the state of Milan, had a new system tax of weights and measures, that it created remarkable difficulty to the local commerce. According to the legend the day after Christmas some ambassadors were send to Como in order to ask the representatives of the government to re-establish the old measures, "pesa vecchia". After long negotiations the sendes to it to you returned the evening of 5 January announcing the acceptance of the demand. Today the festivity represents the return of sendes in custom on one boat. To thequestion that they give from the river:"Pesa vecchia o pesa nuova?". They answer: " Pesa vecchia!". To this announcement groups of children begin to drag noisily on lake-front the containers of tin that they would have to represent the Spanish measures by now become useless. In truth, the expression "pesavegia" in Lombardic means incubus and the ceremony is probably the interpretation of an ancient ritual in which the rappresentation of the evil was driven away with a noisy procession.

Corpus Domini Procession

The procession, in custom, covers approximately a kilometer in the ways of the country, leaving from the Church of S. Dionigi in public square Monument, passing in rising of tunnel formed from sheet, drape, curtains adorn with flowers and sacred images. The custom has ancient origin; in it the trace of "the infiorata" tradition is noticed.

Festivity of the three kings

The kings to horse covers the ways of the country, stopping for intone a traditional song; the last pause and the last song happen on the sagrato of the church, in front of the living manger. The festivity returns the 5January annually.

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